1.-what is your favorite dog breed's name?
Vocabulary Activity:
Jogger: (a
dog) that doesn't run very fast, but it isn't slow. (trotador)
Breed: type of dogs (Raza)
hunt: killing animals for food, human practice this like a
sport or for entertainment.(cazar)
Watchdog: It
is a dog that look after his family and his home.(perro guardián)
Grooming: When
you clean and smarten up your dog. (acicalar)
couch potato: A sendentary dog that sits or sleep all day, it isn't sporty (sedentario)
Trainable: an
animal that is easy teaching him something. (domable)
Someone that don´t have fear, is brave (Valiente)
Average: Something
Friendliness:Cortez attitude(Amabilidad)
Friendliness:Cortez attitude(Amabilidad)
gone wild" I think is very amazing to go out from the
usual, exotic animals are cool, is very difficult see these animals,
if it is not on tv.
heroes" this is a very cute show, because the most the
time is about animals on rehab, i really like this area of veterinary.
big fat pet" I thing this show is funny, is like a human show but with animals, such as pigs, dogs and cats, also they help
animals with their health, so they are teaching people to take care of their pets.