martes, 24 de julio de 2018

Continuous Assessment

 Activity 1.-what is your favorite dog breed's name? 
Finnish Spitz
1.2 Vocabulary Activity:
Jogger: (a dog) that doesn't run very fast, but it isn't slow. (trotador)
Breed: type of dogs (Raza)
To hunt: killing animals for food, human practice this like a sport or for entertainment.(cazar)
Watchdog: It is a dog that look after his family and his home.(perro guardián)
Grooming: When you clean and smarten up your dog. (acicalar)  
A couch potato: A sendentary dog that sits or sleep all day, it isn't sporty (sedentario)
Trainable: an animal that is easy teaching him something. (domable)
Fearless: Someone that don´t have fear, is brave (Valiente)
Average: Something usual(Promedio)
Friendliness:Cortez attitude(Amabilidad)

Activity 2.-
"Vet gone wild" I think is very amazing to go out from the usual, exotic animals are cool, is very difficult see these animals, if it is not on tv.
"Dodo heroes" this is a very cute show, because the most the time is about animals on rehab, i really like this area of  veterinary.
"My big fat pet" I thing this show is funny, is like a human show but with animals, such as pigs, dogs and cats, also they help animals  with their health, so they are teaching people to take care of their pets.


viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

My favorite singer

I think everybody loves music, it is a good way to gather around people, it is a moment to relax mind and body and enjoy the simplicity of life... I really love going to any kind of concert, even if I don't know the band, discover new music is the best.

It is difficult to choose a favorite kind of music or singer, because I'm not a fan of something specific but thinking well a singer that marked a big part of my adolescense is Francisca Valenzuela, she is amazing I think she inspired me more like a woman than a singer, she is rebel, funny and dynamic.
The first time that I saw her in a concert it was magnificent, it was in a small theatre, I didn't have much expectation but I can claim that this concert was the best of my short life... I sang and danced all that I could. She changes her songs in many ways, she brings guests so talented but unknown, she was authentic... I had a really good moment.
Her last album is my favorite but my favorite song is imposibility choose. In her instagram she said that she would launch a new song soon, I am very excited.

jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

My Life's Main Events

December 17, 1999
I was born in Santiago of Chile, i am the second daugther, there are 2 years off difference with my sister. The day i was born my dad had a test in the university, his profesor didn't leave him miss, so he had a 1.

March 2003
My first concert, i went to see Shakira, I loved her, even i don't remember too much, the emotion of the public it made me feel very happy.... Also she move her hip amazing.

My first day of school, i really didn't like, but is big moment for the people... i remember that my grandfatherwent to see me and this make me felt more calm. also my cousin was my classmate

I read my first book alone, "Las zapatillas de mi abuelo", i really liked this book, still i have it, i think this moment is very important by me, because open me the magic world of the literature.

Me and my sister had the first pet, a rabbit, we bought her in Algarrobo, during our vacation. Her name was Bianca, she was white and had her eyes red... She scared me a lil bit. 

February 2016
In vacation me and my family went outside of Chile, was the first time ever that we traveled abroad, we went to Perú, it was excelent , and it was very importan for me, because my big dream is travel around the world. 

In november of 2017 it was my graduation of the school,it was very sad, because i really like the school later, i had very much friends, my teachers were very close and kind. Also there is mean that i had to look for my new future.